Comments on: Roast pork recipe(烧肉/ siew yoke) Asian Food Recipes and Techniques Mon, 03 Oct 2022 01:17:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: KP Kwan Mon, 03 Oct 2022 01:17:32 +0000 In reply to C.

Thanks for sharing your experience 🙂

By: C Sun, 02 Oct 2022 15:59:03 +0000 Thanks for the recipe, it turned out great! Slightly burned it after only 15 minutes at the higher temperature (low broil) even though I kept it at least a few inches from the top heating element. Note: must watch the skins very closely bec/ they’ll go from crisping to burning fairly quickly.

All the same, 1.5hours at 300F thoroughly cooked the belly pork and it was still juicy, while the skin was light and crisp. The fat rendered nicely into the glass baking dish and I will keep it for other cooking.

We have a few Chinese grocery stores here, but not a vendor that sells roast duck/pork (restaurants may serve it but are just so-so). Been craving crispy pork for a while now, and this will be my go-to.

By: Connie Mon, 20 Jun 2022 16:21:03 +0000 I’ve tried several other crispy pork belly recipes. I like this one for the initial blanching and how it makes the skin more manageable or more easily punctured by a normal fork. (The last thing I need is yet another specialized kitchen tool.) Roasting low and slow helped keep the cut moist, and in the course of this recipe I figured out hot to use the top element (broil, low) on my oven properly.

Long story short: the skin bubbled and crisped up nicely but I underseasoned the meat, even with the shallow cuts. This was more than compensated by an ad hoc dip (oyster sauce or sweet mustard).

Thank you for this recipe. It was easy to follow. We all have to learn to use our kitchens well!

By: KP Kwan Wed, 10 Mar 2021 07:51:37 +0000 In reply to Elaine Leong.

Hi Elaine,
My biggest problem is to get the skin to erupt with multiple blisters at the final stage. Mine is maxed at 230°C, and I could not make it crackle until I raise the pork close to the top element by putting a plate on the top rack so that the pork was just about 1 inch from the element!
I suggest you switch on the fan throughout so that the temperature is more even since there is only one heating element. Try to put it on the top rack throughout, and I think it should be fine for the initial low temperature. If you can’t get the crackling after the last 30 minutes, try to roast it longer and find ways to keep the pork close to the heating element to get the maximum heat.
Good luck, and I hope it works 🙂
KP Kwan

By: Elaine Leong Wed, 10 Mar 2021 07:38:52 +0000 Hi,
My oven has only the top heating element and with the fan function. It has 3 levels in the oven with Max 220 deg. For this roasted pork recipe , at which level and temp setting should I place the pork for the initial 1.5 hr and also the final stage of the 30 mins.? Shall I use the fan function during roasting? Looking forward to your response. Thanks

By: Joni Wong Mon, 22 Feb 2021 07:52:36 +0000 Thanks for your reply. Am trying it again today. The first time I did, I put it on middle (3rd) rack n broil on lowest rack as I have yet to hear from u when started roasting. Let’s see what happens today. Thanks for your easy to folo recipes with precise instructions n explanations.

By: KP Kwan Sun, 24 Jan 2021 00:57:53 +0000 In reply to Joni Wong.

Hi Joni,
There are no two similar ovens, so it can be hard to give you an answer. However, I would suggest trying to put on the second rack counting from the top. My reason is you need more heat for the top to get crispy.

By: Joni Wong Sat, 23 Jan 2021 16:01:28 +0000 Hi Mr Kwan,
For the initial bake at 250 degree Celsius for 30 mins, we should put the pork at which rack? My oven has 5 rack levels . As for broiling, do we need to move to the lowest rack to avoid burning the skin? Thanks in advance ya.

By: KP Kwan Mon, 23 Nov 2020 00:20:21 +0000 In reply to Peter Au.

Hi Peter,
I only use the top element for the final step.
KP Kwan

By: Peter Au Sun, 22 Nov 2020 19:39:41 +0000 In reply to KP Kwan.

Hi, So the final broiling at 480 for 15 mins and 390 for 10 is using the broiler setting or just regular roasting setting? The broiler will only be the top element.
thank you!
