Comments on: Chinese Porridge Recipe – With Lean Pork and Century Eggs (皮蛋瘦肉粥) Asian Food Recipes and Techniques Sat, 30 May 2020 12:55:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rice porridge - How to cook Cantonese porridge (the traditional way) Mon, 19 Nov 2018 00:24:17 +0000 […] reduce the cooking time of the porridge substantially. I explain this method in another article ‘Chinese Porridge Recipe”, in which the rice grains are pre-soaked and frozen. You can use this method if you prefer a […]

By: KP Kwan Tue, 27 Mar 2018 00:44:01 +0000 In reply to Susan Si.

Hi Susan,
That is one thing that I am not entirely sure since I do not use a slow cooker.
Cold rice from the freezer may take time to cook in the slow cooker. If you want to try that, please remove the rice from the freezer in advance. Other than that, there is a high chance to work out well, albeit you need some extra cooking time.


KP Kwa5n

By: Susan Si Mon, 26 Mar 2018 21:54:52 +0000 I appreciate the traditional method that you shared. My question is, what if after we have done the initial steps of washing, soaking and even freezing the rice, could we use a slowcooker to prepare the congee and the pork?

By: Chinese pork ribs (Wuxi spareribs) - How to make in 4 simple steps Sun, 11 Mar 2018 13:07:19 +0000 […] the flavor of the pork ribs.  I also marinate the lean pork overnight with salt in another recipe- Cantonese Porridge with Lean Pork. Meat treating in this way can still retain the saltiness after prolonged […]

By: Robert Erman Sat, 04 Nov 2017 09:10:10 +0000 Complete recipes. Good informastion about chinese porridge.

By: KP Kwan Fri, 26 May 2017 07:25:46 +0000 In reply to Sui Li.

Dear Sui Li,

Thanks for your compliments, and certainly feel flattered by your kind words.

There are many excellent cookbooks that you can get in the bookshop of online. Perhaps you have unfortunately picked the wrong book with inferior quality.

I am glad you have succeeded in making the porridge, and in particular, enjoy by the members of your family. My next recipe/article will be in the same direction, to give as much detail as possible, with the aim to deliver all I can with words and video to make it possible for everyone to replicate the recipe.

Your comment pushes me further to the edge of the limit providing the quality recipes on my blog each time.

Thanks again.
KP Kwan

By: Sui Li Fri, 26 May 2017 05:55:01 +0000 Dear KP,

Last night, I made this dish according to your instruction and my hubby said its the best home cooked Chinese congee.

Myself and Malaysian in 40’s and my hubby in his 50’s both residing in Singapore especially my hubby, he has enjoyed local dishes when S’pore food was in its pinnacle of excellence in the 70’s and 80’s, rare few still holding on towards mid 90’s but since then, the taste has gone downhill eversince. Those “Sifu” kept the “secret concoction” in lock and key and took it to their graves without imparting to anyone. Every wonder at present times why Hokkien Mee, Yau Char Kwai or Mee Rebus is always lack of something these days despite every stall has tried their best?

Back to your recipe of Cantonese Congee. I really appreciate your time & efforts take to list down the ingredients and meticulously gave instruction to tackle the steps and methods of preparing the key ingredients like the rice processed into smooth and silky and marinating the pork. Its a shame that cook books that I purchased in local bookstores and shopping centres don’t even measure up to what you have given for free in the internet! And for this, please accept my 45 degree bow gesture of thanks and appreciation to you. Thank you, thank you and thank you!

Btw, my hubby has asked me to prepare this dish again tonight. All thanks to you, our evening dinner is very enjoyable. I hereby, say my thanks to you again, terima kasih.

By: KP Kwan Sun, 07 May 2017 11:34:27 +0000 In reply to May.

Dear May,

As I mentioned in the recipe, the oil helps to achieve the silky texture of the congee.
However, this is what I have done so far. I would be interested to find out whether this is necessary by doing a comparison test.
I will rewrite the article with new information after I have done that,
Thanks for asking, which trigger me to do further digging into the technique.

KP Kwan

By: May Sat, 06 May 2017 13:17:10 +0000 In reply to KP Kwan.

Thanks so much, Mr Kwan. I learned a lot from your recipe. I have a question..why oil is used before the rice is freezed? Thanks.

By: Zongzi recipe- 5 easy steps to make the best rice dumpling Mon, 01 May 2017 01:02:35 +0000 […] preparation of salted duck egg yolks is straight forward. You are lucky if you manage to buy the yolks alone (without the white). If […]
